5th International INASTE Congress

Human Intelligence

The 5th international INASTE Congress will take place at the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna from 7PM on May 22, 2025 to 6PM on May 24, 2025.

The possible uses of artificial intelligence have become an increasingly dominant theme in social, political and economic discourse. This is also the case in education and educational research. At the same time, the achievements of artificial intelligence call upon us to reconsider the unique and varied possibilities of human intelligence - upon which artificial intelligence is ultimately based. What specific qualities do human and artificial intelligence share, wherein lie fundamental differences, and how can they complement each other? 

The INASTE Congress 2025 invites participants to address the changes brought on by current technological developments in relation to our own understanding of ourselves as intentional and responsible educators.  In addition to keynote lectures, there will be short lectures and discussion on themes regarding:

  • Developing Emotional and Social Intelligence in Schools and Teacher Education

  • The Intelligence of the Body: Performative Teaching and Learning 

  • The Relevance of the Concept of Multiple Intelligences in an Age of Artificial Intelligence 

  • Can Artificial Intelligence be Integrated into Humanistic Teaching and Learning?

  • The Roles of Knowledge, Imagination and Creativity in Teacher Education and in Schools

Congress Committee and Organizing Team

Congress Committee:

- Prof. Dr. Carlo Willmann (Chairman), Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft:

Zentrum für Kultur und Pädagogik, Austria

- Prof. Dr. Leonhard Weiss (Chairman), Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft:

Zentrum für Kultur und Pädagogik, Austria

- Dr. Ida Oberman, Community School for Creative Education, Oakland, CA, USA

- Prof. Dr. Peter Lutzker, Freie Hochschule Stuttgart, Germany

- Niels Schieman, University of Applied Sciences Leiden, Netherlands

- Prof. Dr. Jost Schieren, Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Germany

- Prof. Dr. Ruhi Tyson, Waldorflärarhögskolan, Stockholm, Sweden

- Prof. Marius Wahl Gran, Rudolf Steiner University College, Oslo, Norway

Organized by:

Zentrum für Kultur und Pädagogik, Affiliate of Alanus University for Arts and Social

Sciences, on behalf of: INASTE, International Network of Academic Steiner Teacher


Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. Gert Biesta, University of Edinburg, UK

“Taking Education Seriously Means Taking The Angle Of The Teacher”

Prof. Dr. Thomas Fuchs, Universität Heidelberg, D

“On the role of embodiment for human intelligence”

Prof. Dr. Edwin Hübner, Freie Hochschule Stuttgart, D

“Pädagogik zwischen kristallisierter Intelligenz und virtuellen Räumen. Schulentwicklung im Zeitalter der selbstständig werdenden Technologien”

(“Education between Crystallized Intelligence and Virtual Spaces.  The Development of Schools in Times of Increasingly Independent Technologies”)

Prof. Shelley Sacks, Oxford Brookes University, UK

“A Tree Knows How To Be A Tree: Educating Humans in an Intelligent World”

Prof. Dr. Jost Schieren, Alanus Hochschule, D

“Die Wirklichkeit des Denkens. Rudolf Steiners Intelligenzkonzept und dessen Relevanz für die Pädagogik”

(“The Reality of Thinking. Rudolf Steiner’s Concept of Intelligence and its Relevance for Education”)

Call for Papers

Short lectures (approx. 20 minutes) will be held in the context of working groups on the themes outlined in the call for papers, followed by discussion. Lectures will be carried out either in German or in English. The deadline for submissions is already past. See the program for the individuals who will be presenting their work.

Venue Details

Congress Languages: English, German


Diplomatic Academy of Vienna (Favoritenstr. 15a, A-1040 Vienna)

Zentrum für Kultur und Pädagogik (Tilgnerstr. 3, A-1040 Vienna)

Organized by: Zentrum für Kultur und Pädagogik, An-Institut der Alanus Hochschule, on behalf of INASTE - International Network for Academic Steiner Teacher Education

Contact: congress@inaste.net

Congress Registration


More details will be coming soon.

Apart from keynote lectures, look forward to short lectures followed by discussion with the following individuals:

Prof. Dr. Paula Bleckmann; Kath Bransby; José Cossa; Reynand Dumala-on; Andreas

Durban; Raphael Fehrmann; Prof. Dr. Janne Fengler; Jessica Franco; Saar Frieling; Prof.

Dr. Philipp Gelitz; Natalia Golovanova; Johan Green; Prof. Dr. Stefanie Greubel; Norbert

Harz; Jyrki Honkonen, PhD; Paul Hougham; Ass. Prof. Dr. Aksel Hugo; Dr. Constanza

Kaliks; Dr. Udo Käser; Julia Kernbach, MEd; Dr. Kirsten Koppel; Prof. Dr. Matthias Jeuken;

Belle Leung; Prof. Dr. Peter Lutzker; Åsa Månsson D´Souza; Susanna Mechlinsky; Erika

Nelson, MA; Dr. Robert Neumann; Hannah Blanco Oerder; Eeva Raunela, PhD; Dr. habil.

Ramón Reichert; Prof. Dr. Jost Schieren; Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmaus; Helena Selsfors, PhD;

Ulrike Sievers; Dora Šimunović; Prof. Dr. Wilfried Sommer; Dr. Susanne Speckenbach;

Dipl.-Phys. Benjamin Streit, MA; Dr. Frank Steinwachs; Dr. Tania Stoltz; Prof. Dr. Sebastian

Suggate; Leif Tjärnstig, PhD; Ruhi Tyson, PhD; Mag. Heidemarie Vogt, MA; Yvonne Wegerl;

Prof. Dr. Leonhard Weiss; Prof. Josefin Winther; Dr. Florian Wodlei; Prof. Dr. Horst Zeinz:

Sponsors and Partners

more details coming soon.